
Warm season grass and LED grow light

Warm season grass and LED grow light

Low-water requirements, increased salt tolerances and heat tolerance make warm-season grasses a great choice for low-maintenance lawns. Warm-season grasses grow best in summer temperatures between 25-35° degrees Celsius. Most popular warm-season grasses are:
•    Bermudagrass. A sod-forming grass that spreads by above- and below-ground stems called stolons and rhizomes, Bermudagrass is heat, drought, traffic and salt tolerant. It requires full sun and good drainage, so it's not suited for shade conditions.
•    Bahia Grass. It is drought, heat tolerant and has low water and nutrient requirements
•    Zoysia Grass. A sod-forming, adaptable turf grass that can be grown in all types of soil, Zoysia Grass has salt, wear and drought tolerances. It tolerates some light shade, has low water and maintenance requirements, and offers dense, traffic-tolerant growth.
•    Centipede Grass. It has moderate shade tolerance, and low maintenance and nutrient requirements. With a relatively shallow root system, it's sensitive to alkaline soil.

Plenty of light is Essential

In general, warm-season grasses need more sunlight than cool-season grasses, but different species have different tolerances for shade or low-light conditions. Bermudagrass, for example, is not shade tolerant and needs six to eight hours of full to filtered sunlight a day to grow well. Others, such as Zoysia grass and Centipede grass have some shade tolerance and will grow in partial shade conditions.
Warm season Turf grasses require a lot of light to catalyze the photosynthetic reaction to create carbohydrates for growth and survival. This type of light is termed photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) and has wavelengths between 400-700 nm, encompassing almost the entire visible light spectrum (380-750 nm). If there is not enough PAR light to complete the photosynthetic process, the turf is going decline in quality.

More light, less heat

Due to the characteristics described above, warm season grass needs more light than heat. For this purpose, LED grow lights go very well as they have higher photosynthetic values, produce less heat and above all, having no reflectors, they do not propagate the heat produced towards the turf.

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